What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a formal and transparent quality control procedure, during which an independent body certifies based on defined, internationally recognized standards, whether higher education institutions or study programs meet the minimum quality requirements.

Accreditation procedures decide on the status and recognition of institutions and study programs for a certain period of time. Accreditation in the field of higher education provides the society and all stakeholders involved with assurance that the quality of teaching and study meets the minimum international standards. At the same time, accreditation increases the level of transparency in the increasingly unclear market of national and international education offerings.

The main functions of accreditation are:

  • Protection of students from offers, which are not proven to lead to the achievement of the expected results (employment, international recognition of the degree obtained, etc.);
  • Transparency, comparability and through this more opportunities in the education and labor market both at home and abroad;
  • Facilitate international mobility through mutual recognition of studies and improve graduate opportunities in the European labor market;
  • Creating a basis for fair competition between educational institutions for students, respectively for public or private funds.