Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA)

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, is an independent institution, responsible for internal and external quality assurance, including accreditation, re-accreditation, monitoring, validation and all other quality assurance processes in higher education institutions and their study programs in the Republic of Kosovo, in accordance with international best practices, including in particular the relevant European standards in the field of quality assurance in higher education.

Mission, Vision and Goals of the KAA

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency’s (KAA) mission is:

Through the accreditation process, the KAA supports the development of quality in Higher Education Institutions and at the same time assures the society of Kosovo that the quality of teaching and learning is at the level of international standards.

The goals of the KAA are:

  • to promote, improve and enhance the quality of higher education;
  • increase transparency and accountability in the higher education system;
  • to improve the quality of studies in higher education institutions;
  • to encourage innovative content in higher education;
  • ensure the comparability of qualifications from Kosovo higher education institutions with those provided by international programs;
  • implement the objectives for the integration of Kosovo in the European Higher Education Area and contribute to its development.

The values that support the work of KAA are:

  • Independence – The KAA decisions are taken independently and reasonably in a consistent and verifiable manner;
  • Transparency – The KAA is guided by the principles of public responsibility and accountability through an effective information policy;
  • Credibility – The KAA organizes credible external quality assurance processes, where the academic community and society at large trust in the work of the KAA;
  • Professionalism – The KAA applies high professional standards applied in Europe in external quality assurance processes.