Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee is a body of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), which handles complaints and appeals submitted by higher education institutions against the decisions of the State Council of Quality (SCQ).

The Appeals Committee consists of five (5) members.

The Appeals Committee handles the complaints or appeals within 30 working days from the date of its receipt. At the request of the Committee, the deadline for handling the complaint can be extended by another 30 days.

The current composition of the KAA Appeals Committee is as follows:

  • Prof.Dr. Ibish Mazreku, Head of the Commitee;
  • Prof. Asoc. Dr. Kemajl Zeqiri, Member;
  • Prof. Asoc. Dr. Fatos Rexhepi, Member;
  • z. Lirik Veselaj, Member;
  • z. Nexhat Kelmendi, Member.
