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Published On: December 10th, 2021

The Government of Kosovo approved the Draft Law on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency

On the proposal of the Minister of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in the meeting held on 10.12.2021, approved the Draft Law on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency.

“This Draft Law regulates the status of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency as a regulatory agency in the processes and responsibilities of accreditation, re-accreditation, validation and monitoring, to ensure quality in higher education in the Republic of Kosovo. The drafting of this law are involved all relevant actors, experts from MEST, Kosovo Accreditation Agency, representatives of the academic community, donors and civil society “, said at the Government meeting, Minister Nagavci.

She said that this version of the Draft Law ensures the independence of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency and the implementation of European quality assurance standards in higher education.

With the approval of this law, the last criterion for re-application of KAA for return to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and registration in the European Register for Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (EQAR) is being met.

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