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Published On: May 30th, 2022

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency started the process of monitoring of higher education institutions

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) has started the process of monitoring of higher education institutions in the Republic of Kosovo, thus fulfilling an important recommendation of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

The process of monitoring of higher education institutions and their academic programs is also one of the recommendations of the European Commission in the field of education in Kosovo within the framework of the Stabilization and Association Process.

The team of the KAA, in accordance with the Monitoring Methodology and Post-Accreditation Procedures, at the beginning of the process, monitored the schedules of lectures and exercises, as well as the attendance of academic staff at AAB College, UBT College and the Faculty of Education at the University of Prishtina.

In all three institutions of higher education, the holding of lectures and exercises, as well as the attendance of professors has been according to the schedules published on the websites of the institutions. No irregularities were identified during this process.

During the monitoring process, the representatives of the KAA talked to the managements and students of these institutions and exchanged ideas for raising the quality of higher education.

The monitoring process meets Standard 2.3 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) which requires quality assurance agencies to complete the accreditation cycle with post-accreditation procedures aimed at continuously improving the quality of higher education institutions.

Monitoring is a formal process carried out by the KAA through which it assesses that the higher education institutions maintain and continue to meet the recommendations of external evaluators and the conditions of accreditation and implements the standards of the Accreditation Manual.

While “Post-accreditation procedure” is a process which is limited to verifying the conditions of accreditation and confirming the degree of fulfillment of recommendations by KAA and commitments by HEIs and not to re-evaluate the standards of the Accreditation Manual.

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