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Published On: March 16th, 2023

Kosovo Accreditation Agency part of the ENQA-EQAR conference on quality in higher education

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) participated in the conference organized in Brussels by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Register for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (EQAR), where it was discussed about the cooperation at the European level of the six countries of the Western Balkans for enhancing the quality in higher education.

The KAA delegation consisted of the President of the State Council of Quality (SCQ), professor Hasnije Ilazi, Naim Gashi – General Director of KAA and Arrita Gola, advisor to the Minister of MESTI.

Heads of KAA conducted meetings with the heads of ENQA and EQAR who congratulated the Agency for the implementation of ESG standards, the creation of quality assurance mechanisms in higher education and the intensive work to return to these two European mechanisms in the field of education.

Quality assurance is a key feature in developing mutual trust and increasing mobility and fair recognition of qualifications and study periods across Europe.

As stated in the Paris Communiqué of Ministers of Education in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2018, quality assurance is and remains one of the pillars of the EHEA.

It was stated in the conference that the presence of a quality assurance system in line with the EHEA Quality Assurance Standards and Guidelines (ESG2), with regular external quality assurance, carried out by accreditation agencies, is a key commitment of the Bologna Process.

Since receiving ENQA Affiliate status in October 2022, KAA has become part of all European and regional organizations in the field of education.

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