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So far Akreditimi has created 425 blog entries.

Kosovo Accreditation Agency Organizes Training for Accreditation Experts


On 15.11.2024, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) hosted a comprehensive training session for experts who will participate in the institutional and program accreditation processes. The training focused on recent changes to accreditation standards and regulations, aimed at ensuring a clear understanding of the evolving criteria and compliance expectations. Participants also received detailed guidance on drafting evaluation reports and accurately calculating standard compliance. This initiative underscores KAA's commitment to maintaining high standards and continuous quality improvement in the sector of higher education in the Republic of Kosovo.    

Kosovo Accreditation Agency Organizes Training for Accreditation Experts2024-11-15T16:30:03+02:00

The Assembly Committee on Education Visits the Kosovo Accreditation Agency


On November 12, 2024, the Assembly Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth, and Sports visited the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA). They were received by the President of the State Quality Council (SQC), Professor Hasnije Ilazi; the Director General of KAA, Naim Gashi; SQC member Mirlinda Batalli; and other Agency staff. The delegation from the Assembly included the Chair of the Committee, Ardian Gola; Vice-Chair Albena Reshitaj; and members of parliament Arjeta Fejza, Eliza Hoxha, and Arjeta Rexhepi. Professor Ilazi expressed her gratitude to the members of the Committee and the Assembly for approving the KAA Law, which has paved [...]

The Assembly Committee on Education Visits the Kosovo Accreditation Agency2024-11-12T16:32:06+02:00

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) Visits “Haxhi Zeka” University in Peja


On November 1, 2024, national and international members of the Kosovo State Quality Council (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (AKA) conducted an official visit to “Haxhi Zeka” University in Peja. During this visit, they met with the Rector, Professor Armand Krasniqi, as well as the institution’s deans and vice-deans. The meeting focused on the implementation of revised quality standards and other relevant issues concerning accreditation and collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the SCQ. While in Peja, the SCQ also held its 130th meeting, during which it reviewed and decided upon the reports of international experts evaluating doctoral programs, [...]

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) Visits “Haxhi Zeka” University in Peja2024-11-04T10:52:37+02:00

KAA Participates in the International Conference of ATMAE in the USA


As part of the collaboration in the field of quality assurance in higher education, Naim Gashi, the Director General of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (AKA), participated in the annual international conference held in Las Vegas with the invitation of Ahmad Zargari, President of the Board of the American Accreditation Agency - ATMAE. This conference is one of the most significant events in the United States regarding study programs in technology, management, and applied engineering. The conference presents an excellent opportunity for professors, administrators, students, and representatives from business and industry who are passionate about advancing their knowledge and skills in these [...]

KAA Participates in the International Conference of ATMAE in the USA2024-11-01T13:57:57+02:00

A delegation from the University of Technology Malaysia visited KAA


The Director of Evaluation and Accreditation at KAA, Arianit Krasniqi, welcomed the delegation from the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FSI) in Pristina, Professor Islam Hasani. The purpose of this visit was to explore a potential partnership in developing study programs in the field of Islamic studies between FSI and UTM. During the discussions, UTM representatives expressed their interest in collaborating with the Faculty of Islamic Studies to expand study opportunities in this field, emphasizing the importance of academic and cultural exchange. KAA officials presented Kosovo’s quality assurance standards and KAA’s [...]

A delegation from the University of Technology Malaysia visited KAA2024-10-29T20:06:06+02:00

KAA Delegation at the ENQA Assembly in Malta


The President of the State Council for Quality (SCQ), Professor Hasnije Ilazi, and the Director General of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), Naim Gashi, participated in the General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) taking place in Malta. The Assembly focused on the review of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG 2015). The new European standards are scheduled to take effect in 2027, with member states provided a transitional period for their adaptation. On the eve of the ENQA Assembly, the KAA delegation met with ENQA President Douglas Blackstock, the newly appointed [...]

KAA Delegation at the ENQA Assembly in Malta2024-10-25T10:40:54+02:00

KAA discusses with representatives of HEI’s about the accreditation of arts programs


On October 22, 2024, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (AKA) held a meeting with representatives of higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer study programs in the field of arts. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the suitability of heads of study programs in the field of arts and to gather contributions from experts in this area. During the meeting, representatives from various HEIs shared their experiences regarding the challenges and opportunities related to the recognition of academic degrees in the arts field. Their proposals were highly valuable, highlighting the specific nature of artistic programs. The approaches presented by the HEIs [...]

KAA discusses with representatives of HEI’s about the accreditation of arts programs2024-10-24T13:54:12+02:00

Kosova-Hungary: Memorandum of Cooperation Signed in the Field of Quality in Higher Education


During an official meeting in Budapest on October 16, 2024, the Director General of the Kosova Accreditation Agency (KAA), Naim Gashi, and the President of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB), Valéria Csépe, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of quality in higher education. Director Gashi said that this Memorandum of Cooperation is a positive step towards enhancing quality in higher education and internationalization of Kosova’s education system. President Csépe emphasized the significance of the Memorandum for ensuring quality in higher education, in line with the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and expressed MAB’s willingness to support [...]

Kosova-Hungary: Memorandum of Cooperation Signed in the Field of Quality in Higher Education2024-10-16T12:25:09+02:00

The KAA organized a training session for HEIs regarding the new accreditation standards


On October 11, 2024, Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) held the event at the Faculty of Education of the University of Pristina, where the new Accreditation/Reaccreditation Manual, the Regulation on Institutional Accreditation Standards, the Regulation on Standards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Program Accreditation, and the Regulation on Fees and Payments at KAA were presented. Shkëlzen Gërxhaliu, Director of Monitoring and Follow up Procedures at KAA, and Arianit Krasniqi, Director of Evaluation and Accreditation, highlighted the key changes in these regulations and answered numerous questions from the participants. KAA is committed to providing clear and accurate information to ensure that HEIs work towards [...]

The KAA organized a training session for HEIs regarding the new accreditation standards2024-10-14T17:36:02+02:00

The State Council of Quality approved the Regulation on fees and payments


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), in its 129th meeting held on 08.10.2024, approved the Regulation on fees and payments within the KAA, which is fully aligned with the KAA Law and the current legislation. As stipulated in the KAA Law, the Regulation defines the amounts of fees that higher education institutions in the Republic of Kosova are required to pay for accreditation, re-accreditation, validation, super expertise, and post-accreditation procedures, as well as the payment amounts for international experts. During the SCQ meeting, the review process for study program applications currently undergoing accreditation for the [...]

The State Council of Quality approved the Regulation on fees and payments2024-10-09T22:28:45+02:00
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