
The State Council of Quality held its 115th meeting


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) held its 115th meeting on 25.08.2023, in which several items of the agenda were discussed and a number of decisions were made. SCQ has reviewed the reports of international accreditation experts and decided on on the same. In this meeting, the requests and appelas of higher education institutions were reviewed and decisions were made. The State Council of Quality has also discussed about the first draft of the revised standards for bachelor and master level, which will be published for public debate, as well as for the final preparations [...]

The State Council of Quality held its 115th meeting2023-08-25T14:59:19+02:00

A delegation from the Kosovo Accreditation Agency visits Germany


A delegation of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), led by Professor Hasnije Ilazi, President of the Board of KAA and Naim Gashi, General Director of KAA, have conducted an important visit to Bonn and Cologne, Germany. The purpose of this visit was to expedite the process of AKA's membership in ENQA and its registration in EQAR, to enhance the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and to strengthening the cooperation between the two countries in the field of accreditation and quality assurance in higher education. During the visit, President Ilazi talked anout the role of KAA in the internationalization of the higher [...]

A delegation from the Kosovo Accreditation Agency visits Germany2023-08-24T14:53:43+02:00

The Accreditation Agency benefits from the United States project – USKEB


The United States-Kosovo Educational Exchange Board (USKEB) has confirmed to the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) that it has been accepted for funding the project "Drafting a Thematic Analysis for Study Programme Accreditation" through the Fulbright Specialist Program. Under this project, an expert from the United States of America will assist the Accreditation Agency in developing a thematic analysis for the accreditation process at the level of study programs. Thematic analysis is one of the criteria that KAA needs to fulfil at a substantial level. Point 3.4 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area requires [...]

The Accreditation Agency benefits from the United States project – USKEB2023-08-11T14:00:15+02:00

KAA welcomes the decision of the Steering Council of UP for the academic staff


The Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) welcomes the decision of the Steering Council of the University of Pristina to prohibit professors with regular contracts at UP from engaging as academic staff in private colleges. The decision of the SC of the UP also prohibits the academic staff to declare themselves to the KAA as part-time staff of private HEIs, as well as to be involved in any way in the accreditation process, except for the UP. For KAA, this decision has a direct impact in increasing quality of study programs in Kosovo, paving the way for the inclusion of new staff in [...]

KAA welcomes the decision of the Steering Council of UP for the academic staff2023-07-28T14:14:39+02:00

Kosovo Accreditation Agency begins work on the revision of Standards and Guidelines for Accreditation


The State Council of Quality and the staff of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, in accordance with the KAA Strategy and action plan, held a three-day workshop where whereby the first draft of the reviewed standards and guidelines for institutional and programme accreditation was presented. The revision of standards was facilitated by a team of international and local experts, while the entire process was supported by the HERAS+ project. In the coming months, the draft of revised standards will be shared with higher education institutions and other stakeholders for a public debate, after which SCQ will decide regarding their approval.

Kosovo Accreditation Agency begins work on the revision of Standards and Guidelines for Accreditation2023-07-14T14:45:56+02:00

The State Council of Quality reviewed the reports of international accreditation experts


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) on 13.07.2023 held its 114th meeting where the reports of international accreditation experts on evaluation of study programs were reviewed and decided upon. In this meeting, SCQ also reviewed a number of requests and appeals of higher education institutions. During the day, all institutions of higher education were notified of the decisions of the SCQ. Today's decisions by the SCQ open the way for the announcement of calls for enrolment of students in accredited programs in all higher education institution in the Republic of Kosovo.

The State Council of Quality reviewed the reports of international accreditation experts2023-07-13T19:32:44+02:00

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) presented to the Parliament the 2022 Report


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), on 04.07.2023 reported to the Committee for Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Parliament of Kosovo. In the meeting chaired by the Chairman of the Committee, Ardian Gola, the president of SCQ, professor Hasnije Ilazi, presented the work of the Council for the year 2022 and the vision for 2023. She said that the 2022 was very successful due to the fact that KAA gained the status of affiliate member in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), based on the professional [...]

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) presented to the Parliament the 2022 Report2023-07-04T23:57:47+02:00

Kosovo Accreditation Agency and NARIC Center conduct a study visit to the Czech Republic


A team from the Kosovo Accreditation Agency and NARIC Kosova conducted a three-days study visit to the Czech Republic with the aim of exchanging experiences and good practices in the field of quality in higher education. This project is supported by the Higher Education Intervention 2025 Project (HEI 25), financed by the Austrian International Development Agency (ADA). During the visit to the ENIC-NARIC Center of the Czech Republic, it was discussed about the procedures for diploma recognition and the ways to further promote cooperation between Kosovo and the Czech Republic. According to the Czech counterparts, until now all diplomas from Kosovo [...]

Kosovo Accreditation Agency and NARIC Center conduct a study visit to the Czech Republic2023-06-29T14:17:00+02:00

KAA receives support from ENQA and EQAR for the implementation of European standards in higher education


A delegation of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), consisting of the President of the State Council of Quality (SCQ), professor Hasnije Ilazi; Vice-president of SCQ, professor Klemen Miklavic; the General Director of KAA, Naim Gashi, and the member of SCQ, professor Gëzim Tosuni, have conducted an official visit to Brussels for three consecutive days, where they met with the heads of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ( ENQA), the European Register for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (EQAR) and other important institutions in the field of education. The delegation from Kosovo received support from ENQA and EQAR [...]

KAA receives support from ENQA and EQAR for the implementation of European standards in higher education2023-06-22T14:36:49+02:00

Kosovo Accreditation Agency welcomes the adoption of the Law on KAA


For the first time since its establishment, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) is regulated by its own law. On June 7th, 2023, the Law on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency was voted in the Assembly of Kosovo. The adoption of this law guarantees the institutional and financial independence of the KAA, has a direc affect on the improvement of quality in higher education and in the internationalization of our education system and paves the way for the return of the KAA to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and the European Register for Quality Improvement in Higher Education [...]

Kosovo Accreditation Agency welcomes the adoption of the Law on KAA2023-06-08T12:55:22+02:00
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