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Published On: October 3rd, 2022

Kosovo Accreditation Agency becomes an affiliate member of ENQA

The director of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (AKA), Naim Gashi, on Monday, September 3, 2022, received a letter from the director of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), Anna Gover, confirming that the application of the Accreditation Agency for affiliate member status has been accepted.

“It is my pleasure to inform you that at the meeting of September 20, 2022, the ENQA Board reviewed your application for membership in ENQA and decided to grant KAA the status of ‘affiliate’ in ENQA”, says the letter of the director of ENQA, addressed to the director of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, Naim Gashi.

In the notification received by director Gashi, it is stated that from today the Kosovo Accreditation Agency can use the ENQA logo in all its decisions and communications, within the territory of Kosovo but also in international communication.

AKA considers that this is an extraordinary achievement that will benefit students, graduates, the academic community as well as the state of Kosovo in general. Today’s decision is a credible guarantee for quality in higher education and facilitates the process of recognition of graduates’ diplomas in European countries. Also, this decision facilitates the exchange of students and professors with European countries and beyond.

The Accreditation Agency thanks the Kosovo institutions, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, and the donor community for this joint achievement.

With today’s decision, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency is just one more step away from becoming a full member of ENQA.


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