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Published On: July 5th, 2023

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) presented to the Parliament the 2022 Report

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), on 04.07.2023 reported to the Committee for Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Parliament of Kosovo.

In the meeting chaired by the Chairman of the Committee, Ardian Gola, the president of SCQ, professor Hasnije Ilazi, presented the work of the Council for the year 2022 and the vision for 2023.

She said that the 2022 was very successful due to the fact that KAA gained the status of affiliate member in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), based on the professional work and implementation of standards.

According to the President Ilazi, KAA and SCQ as its decision-making body, have successfully performed all tasks and obligations, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

She added that during 2022, several documents were developed and approved, which further advance the work of KAA for improving quality in higher education.

President Ilazi said that the adoption of the Law on KAA has increased the institutional possibilities for supporting higher education institutions towards improving the quality.

The deputies of the Pariamentary Committee on Education asked questions and gave their recommendations to the State Council of Quality.

The fulll SCQ report is available at his link.

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