
The State Council of Quality approved the applications for institutional accreditation


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), at its 118th meeting, held on 21.11.2023, reviewed and approved all applications for institutional accreditation. In this meeting, SCQ analyzed the applications for program accreditation and discussed the dynamics of the implementation of this process during the next year. The State Council of Quality has also reviewed the new applications of international accreditation experts and decided to update the list of experts with th new experts which were approved. In this meeting, SCQ also reviewed all requests and appeals submitted by HEIs.

The State Council of Quality approved the applications for institutional accreditation2023-11-22T12:06:25+02:00

The Working Group for drafting KAA bylaws holds its first meeting


On November 8, 2023, the Working Group for drafting by-laws deriving from the Law on KAA held its first meeting. This working group consists of representatives of the State Council of Quality of the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation, the Appeals Committee in KAA, as well as representatives from MESTI, the Ministry of Finance, the UPCO Cluster Institute, the Rectors’ Conference and Civil Society. The chairperson of the working group, who also is the president of SCQ, Ms. Hasnije Ilazi informed the attendees of the work plan of this group, which aims to develop by-laws deriving from the Law on KAA. The [...]

The Working Group for drafting KAA bylaws holds its first meeting2023-11-10T16:34:19+02:00

Remarkable progress of quality assurance in Kosovo and challenges ahead


A takeaway from the KAA 2023 International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Collected and written by Klemen Miklavič, Aqim Emurli and Arta Basha-Jakupi Pristina, 26.09.2023 Introduction Kosovo is a sui generis European young country. The surveys and general atmosphere among its population clearly shows the affinity for European values and norms. A strong European identity makes the inhabitants and society of Kosovo among the most pro EU oriented communities in the whole Europe. Hence, there is strong legitimacy for adopting European normative solutions in all sectors, including higher education. Quality assurance (QA) in higher education is one of the [...]

Remarkable progress of quality assurance in Kosovo and challenges ahead2023-11-09T14:02:25+02:00

European Commission: KAA has implemented the recommendations for institutional and operational independence


The European Commission report for Kosovo, published in Brussels on 08.11.2023, praises the work of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) as an institution that has implemented the recommendations for institutional and financial independence as well as for increasing capacities regarding human resources. "In September 2022, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) was granted the status of affiliated member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The agency is currently in the process of applying for membership in the ENQA and the European Quality Assurance Register. Kosovo adopted the Law on KAA, which aims to increase the agency’s operational [...]

European Commission: KAA has implemented the recommendations for institutional and operational independence2023-11-08T23:44:56+02:00

The declaration of 2700 members of the academic staff on the ‘E-Akreditimi’ platform was successfully completed


Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) has very successfully completed the declaration process of 2700  staff members of all higher education institutions in the Republic of Kosovo. Based on the applicable  legislation, the time frame for declaration of academic staff for the new academic year is from October 1 to October 31 and this process has been completed successfully. As a result of the advancement of the system and the increase of human resources, KAA confirms that the electronic platform 'E-Akreditimi' has been active and there has been no technical problem in its operation. In order to successfully complete this process, AKA has [...]

The declaration of 2700 members of the academic staff on the ‘E-Akreditimi’ platform was successfully completed2023-11-09T00:03:39+02:00

Kosovo Agency for Accreditation signs the contract for digitalization of processes


Kosovo Accreditation Agency, with the support from HEI25 project, has signed a contract with the economic operator for the digitization of internal processes. The project aims to digitize the internal processes and services of KAA, including the application for accreditation, monitoring processes, declaration of academic staff, academic information, generation of confirmations, etc. The software for accreditation, which will be developed on this occasion, will have 6 different types of users such: SCQ members, KAA staff, international experts, management and staff of HEIs, students. This software will enable interaction between different actors, in compliance with their duties and responsibilities, thus promoting the [...]

Kosovo Agency for Accreditation signs the contract for digitalization of processes2023-10-25T13:35:06+02:00

SCQ established the Working Group for the development of regulations based on the KAA Law


During the 117th meeting held on October 20, 2023, the State Council of Quality (SCQ) at the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) established a Working Group for the development of regulations in accordance with the new KAA Law. This group will comprise representatives from the SCQ, KAA, Appeals Commission, Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation, Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers, Conference of Rectors, UPCO Institute, as well as members from civil society. During the SCQ meeting, several monitoring reports were reviewed, and requests and appeals were also addressed. The Council discussed the list of international accreditation experts and offered suggestions [...]

SCQ established the Working Group for the development of regulations based on the KAA Law2023-10-20T16:30:28+02:00

Kosovo Accreditation Agency praises the voluntary work of students


The Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) has distributed certificates to the three student volunteers who contributed to the organization of the KAA International Conference, which was held in Pristina on September 26, 2023. The General Director of KAA, Naim Gashi, has awarded certificates for voluntary work to three students of the University of Pristina: Taulant Gashi, Zanë Rexha and Albnor Sejdiu. The international conference was an event of great importance for the KAA and for the entire higher education community in Kosovo, and the contribution of student volunteers has been very important. They showed commitment towards the development of higher [...]

Kosovo Accreditation Agency praises the voluntary work of students2023-10-18T12:52:44+02:00

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between KAA and HEI’25


The Kosovo Accreditation Agency and Higher Education Intervention 2025 project signed a Memorandum of Understanding, with the aim of further concretizing the cooperation and coordination of the activities supported by the project. The HEI'25 project aims to support key processes in higher education that are related to quality improvement. The support for KAA will be focused on the digitization of work processes and the further development of institutional capacity for more transparency and efficiency of work and higher credibility. The HEI'25 project is financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), with the contribution of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and [...]

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between KAA and HEI’252023-10-16T13:29:53+02:00

ENQA conducted a progress visit in Kosovo


A team of experts from the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) conducted a progress visit to the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) on October 11th, 2023, in Pristina. International evaluators: Ms. Maria Weber (AQ Austria) and Mr. Klemen Subic (Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency) addressed all ESG chapter 3 standards, while discussing the progress made by KAA in its mission towards ENQA membership and registration in EQAR. During the progress visit, ENQA experts met with the State Council of Quality (SCQ), the staff of KAA, with representatives of higher education institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology [...]

ENQA conducted a progress visit in Kosovo2023-10-13T16:06:13+02:00
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