Legal Provisions and Responsibilities

The KAA’s primary responsibilities are:

  • Accreditation of Public and Private Higher Education Institutions;
  • Accreditation of new Higher Education Institutions and their programs;
  • Accreditation of new programs at accredited Higher Education Institutions;
  • Continuous monitoring of Quality at accredited Higher Education Institutions.

Legal dispositions

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency is a public quality assessment agency in public and private institutions of higher education. Through the accreditation process, it supports the development of quality in these institutions. The responsibilities of the KAA and the accreditation criteria are provided through the following documents:

The legal obligations of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency are:

  • Interpret the quality criteria set by law, through the drafting of guidelines and quality standards for accreditation;
  • Development of instruments for regular control of higher education institutions if the requirements (by KAA) are met;
  • Active participation in projects for international cooperation in the field of accreditation and quality assurance;
  • Annual reporting on its activity.