ENQA conducted a progress visit in Kosovo
A team of experts from the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) conducted a progress visit to the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) on October 11th, 2023, in Pristina.
International evaluators: Ms. Maria Weber (AQ Austria) and Mr. Klemen Subic (Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency) addressed all ESG chapter 3 standards, while discussing the progress made by KAA in its mission towards ENQA membership and registration in EQAR.
During the progress visit, ENQA experts met with the State Council of Quality (SCQ), the staff of KAA, with representatives of higher education institutions, representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), as well as with donor representatives.
KAA has submitted a progress report to ENQA, which was the subject of discussion with international experts.
This visit did not have an evaluation character, but was aimed at discussing the progress of KAA in meeting the criteria defined by the European Standards and Guidelines. The visit had a consultative and advisory character and served as an indicator of the achievement of standards by KAA, before the final evaluation by ENQA.
The Law on KAA, the strategic plan, institutional independence, the increase of dialogue and cooperation with HEIs, the involvement of students in quality assurance processes, etc., were among the issues raised for which KAA has already made significant progress.
The Kosovo Accreditation Agency welcomed the additional recommendations and expressed its commitment to fulfilling them until the next assessment by ENQA.
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