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Published On: October 18th, 2023

Kosovo Accreditation Agency praises the voluntary work of students

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) has distributed certificates to the three student volunteers who contributed to the organization of the KAA International Conference, which was held in Pristina on September 26, 2023.

The General Director of KAA, Naim Gashi, has awarded certificates for voluntary work to three students of the University of Pristina: Taulant Gashi, Zanë Rexha and Albnor Sejdiu.

The international conference was an event of great importance for the KAA and for the entire higher education community in Kosovo, and the contribution of student volunteers has been very important.

They showed commitment towards the development of higher education and have made a positive impact in promoting quality and accreditation standards in higher education in Kosovo.

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