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Published On: October 21st, 2021

SCQ visits Heimerer College, discussions about international cooperation

During a meeting with the founders and management of Heimerer College, the Chair of the State Council of Quality (SCQ), Professor Hasnije Ilazi, said that international cooperation and academic exchanges of students and professors are vital for the development of the higher education system.

Head of the SCQ Ilazi said that the pandemic has hindered at the national level the process of mobility of professors and students, therefore additional commitments are needed to promote these exchanges.

Rector of Heimerer College, Naime Brajshori, said that linking practical work with classroom teaching is the key to student success. She said that internships are facilitating the inclusion of students in the labor market.

During the meeting with the students of this College discussions also took place about the need for the functioning of a student organization at the national level, which would formally articulate the demands and needs of students.

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