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Published On: October 22nd, 2021

SCQ visits Pjetër Budi College, discussion about meeting quality standards

During a visit to Pjetër Budi College, representatives of the State Council of Quality (SCQ) and the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) talked about meeting the new standards, which aim to increase the quality of higher education.

In this meeting was also discussed the process of general digitalization of processes in the Accreditation Agency. SCQ member, Professor Krenare Pireva Nuçi, said that with the support of the US Embassy, a feasibility plan for the digitalization of the KAA is in the process of being created. She said that with the support of international donors and the own budget of the Agency, this project is planned to be implemented next year.

The Rector of Pjetër Budi College, Artan Haziri, said that the established practice for communication between the SCQ and higher education institutions, affects a general climate for raising the quality of education.

SCQ representatives also met with the student organization of this college.

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