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Published On: November 10th, 2023

The Working Group for drafting KAA bylaws holds its first meeting

On November 8, 2023, the Working Group for drafting by-laws deriving from the Law on KAA held its first meeting. This working group consists of representatives of the State Council of Quality of the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation, the Appeals Committee in KAA, as well as representatives from MESTI, the Ministry of Finance, the UPCO Cluster Institute, the Rectors’ Conference and Civil Society.

The chairperson of the working group, who also is the president of SCQ, Ms. Hasnije Ilazi informed the attendees of the work plan of this group, which aims to develop by-laws deriving from the Law on KAA.

The members of the working group agreed with the work plan and expressed their commitment and the commitment of the institutions they represent to contribute to the drafting of by-laws that regulate the functioning of the KAA.

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