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So far Akreditimi has created 448 blog entries.


KAA’s Successful Post-Accreditation Procedures Presented at CEENQA The Head of the Division for Post-Accreditation Procedures at the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), Milot Hasangjekaj, presented KAA’s successful experiences in post-accreditation procedures during the regular meeting of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA). "Post-accreditation procedures are organized to ensure that higher education institutions maintain their quality standards throughout the accreditation period. This process involves international experts, typically from the initial accreditation team, who assess institutional progress and compliance," Hasangjekaj stated in his presentation. The post-accreditation procedures at KAA aim to foster continuous quality enhancement in [...]


SCQ Approves the Regulation on Validation and Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures


In its 135th regular meeting, held on March 10, 2025, the State Council for Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) approved the final version of the Regulation on Validation and approved the draft of the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures, which will be submitted for public consultation. The SCQ reviewed and addressed all comments received from stakeholders regarding the Regulation on Validation prior to approving the final draft. This regulation outlines the procedures and criteria for validation in cases where a higher education institution applies for external evaluation at the institutional level or for study programs by an [...]

SCQ Approves the Regulation on Validation and Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures2025-03-22T23:06:12+02:00

KAA Revises the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) and the staff of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), in a workshop held on March 3, 2025, conducted a comprehensive review of the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures, with the overarching goal of ensuring continuous quality enhancement in higher education institutions across Kosovo. This Regulation aims to establish fair and transparent monitoring and post-accreditation procedures, fully tailored to the specific context and quality assurance system of Kosovo while remaining aligned with the applicable national legal framework. Additionally, it reflects international best practices and European standards for quality assurance in higher education. In accordance with [...]

KAA Revises the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures2025-03-04T15:43:15+02:00

The KAA drafted the Regulation on General Procedures and reviewed the Code of Ethics


On February 26–27, 2025, the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) organized a workshop where the Regulation on General Procedures was drafted and discussed, and the review of the Code of Ethics was examined. The purpose of the Regulation on General Procedures is to ensure the regulation and standardization of all procedures related to KAA processes for higher education institutions and their programs in the Republic of Kosovo, in alignment with the highest international quality assurance standards. This regulation aims to establish a clear and transparent framework for accreditation processes, promote continuous quality improvement in higher education institutions, and ensure a high level [...]

The KAA drafted the Regulation on General Procedures and reviewed the Code of Ethics2025-03-01T14:47:37+02:00

Strengthening Quality Assurance: KAA’s Annual Meeting with HEIs


On February 24, 2025, the State Council of Quality (SCQ) and the leadership of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) convened their annual meeting with representatives of public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Republic of Kosovo. This meeting, structured into two separate sessions, aimed to discuss key issues related to accreditation, quality assurance, and KAA’s strategic plans. The meeting was attended by rectors, deans, and heads of quality assurance offices from various HEIs, who were briefed on the latest developments in accreditation and quality assurance processes. As a recurring event, this annual gathering serves as a platform for KAA [...]

Strengthening Quality Assurance: KAA’s Annual Meeting with HEIs2025-02-25T13:40:13+02:00

Public Discussion on the Regulation for Procedures and Criteria for External Evaluation by International Accreditation Agencies


Based on Article 39, Article 40, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1.9, and Article 40, paragraph 3 of Law No. 08/L-110 on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo No. 13, June 29, 2023), the State Council of Quality approved the Draft Regulation for Procedures and Criteria for External Evaluation by International Accreditation Agencies. All interested parties are invited to submit their comments and suggestions within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of the notification for the opening of the written consultation. All comments, suggestions, and proposals can be sent to the following email addresses: Arianit.M.Krasniqi@rks-gov.net Sadik.Bytyqi@rks-gov.net In order [...]

Public Discussion on the Regulation for Procedures and Criteria for External Evaluation by International Accreditation Agencies2025-02-13T15:17:31+02:00

KAA reviewed the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures.


The State Quality Council (SQC) and the staff of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), on 05.02.2025, in Bogë, Pejë, held a workshop in which the revision of the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures was reviewed. Currently, KAA has regulated monitoring and post-accreditation procedures, but the goal is to harmonize them with the Law on KAA and new developments in the continuous quality enhancement of the higher education system in the Republic of Kosovo. The revised regulation will serve as a guide for KAA, higher education institutions, international experts, and the general public for the implementation of fair and transparent procedures. [...]

KAA reviewed the Regulation on Monitoring and Post-Accreditation Procedures.2025-02-07T16:52:54+02:00

The SCQ reviewed several reports from international accreditation experts


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) held its 134th meeting on February 6, 2025, during which it reviewed several agenda items. The SCQ reviewed multiple reports from international accreditation experts at both the institutional level and for study programs. Additionally, the State Council of Quality reviewed requests and appeals from higher education institutions. The meeting also included discussions on the progress of preparations for the Third International KAA Conference, which is set to take place in Pristina on September 30, 2025.

The SCQ reviewed several reports from international accreditation experts2025-02-07T16:19:52+02:00

The KAA continues the accreditation process at the level of study programs


On Tuesday (February 4, 2025), the accreditation process is taking place at the “Fehmi Agani” University in Gjakova, where two study programs are being evaluated. The team of international experts engaged by KAA is led by Professor Melita Kovečević (Croatia), Miklós Hoffmann (Hungary), and student expert Elisa Knief (Germany). KAA remains committed to the accreditation of study programs, ensuring quality and alignment with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) for higher education. The accreditation of a study program is a formal quality assessment process that determines the official recognition status granted by KAA, enabling the higher education institution to offer qualifications [...]

The KAA continues the accreditation process at the level of study programs2025-02-04T16:53:15+02:00
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