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Published On: July 21st, 2021

CEENQA presents KAA as a success story in managing the accreditation process

The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA), for the second time in six months, also in July 2021, has introduced the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) as a success story in management of the accreditation process and quality assurance in higher education.

CEENQA in the magazine of July 2021, has highly praised the completion of the accreditation process of 239 academic programs in Kosovo, despite the many limitations of the pandemic.

CEENQA presented the successful work of KAA in these areas:

– Drafting the Law on KAA;

– Preparation of the Strategic Plan;

– Preparation of monitoring procedures for HEIs;

– Initiating the process of reviewing bachelor and master standards;

– Benefitting from the Fulbright project for designing the KAA digitalization process;

– Transparency and accountability;

– Cooperation and support from European and American donors; and

– Benefitting of the KAA twinning project with the Austrian counterpart Agency.

More details at the following link:

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