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Published On: October 4th, 2022

KAA discusses with the heads of HEIs about enhancing the quality in higher education

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (AKA), at its regular annual meeting, on Tuesday, 04.10.2022, discussed with the heads of higher education institutions (HEIs) about enhancing quality in the education system in Kosovo.

The President of SCQ, professor Hasnije Ilazi, initially congratulated all higher education institutions for the new status of AKA as an affiliate member in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

President Ilazi said that this is a joint success of KAA, HEIs, Kosovo institutions and international donors.

The head of SCQ spoke about the main achievements of KAA during this year and the plans for raising the quality in higher education for the following years.

The heads of HEIs and heads of quality assurance offices welcomed this meeting as a form of including all stakeholders of higher education in the decision-making process and in increase transparency.

In addition, they discussed the issues faced by HEIs during the processes of implementing the standards.

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