The KAA conference is presented by ENQA and other well-known agencies in Europe
The international conference of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), held in Pristina on 26.09.2023, has been presented on the official LinkedIn page of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
“ENQA: European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education engages in the 2023 conference on HE in #Kosovo #Pristina discussing the impact of QA mechanisms on establishing a quality culture. This morning our vice-president Cristina Ghitulica joined the panel on the relevance of international QA structures and initiatives for quality of HE, answering how ENQA supports further development of its members and affiliates, such as the #KosovoAccreditationAgency” is stated in the ENQA publication in its official LinkedIn page.
The international conference of KAA was also presented by the Accreditation Agency of Romania (ARACIS), the country where the Vice-President of ENQA, Professor Cristina Ghitulica comes from.
In the publication of ARACIS, it is stated that KAA has organized in Prishtina the International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
“Prof. Cristina Ghitulica, General Director of ARACIS, participated as Vice-President of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), to discuss its contribution to the development of the quality assurance system in Europe and beyond. In this regard, the Vice-President of ENQA joined the first panel on the relevance of international quality assurance structures and initiatives for the quality of higher education”, is stated in ARACIS publication.
“The conference focused on the impact that various European mechanisms for quality assurance in higher education have on national agencies and, consequently, on higher education institutions. Thus, topics covered included current issues such as cross-border quality assurance, the need for a unified global system, the importance of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), stakeholders’ perspectives, student involvement, how employers can contribute to quality assurance, etc, is further stated in ARACIS publication.
The KAA conference was also presented by the deputy director of the well-known German QA Agency AQAS, Ronny Heintze in his official profile.
On his LinkedIn profile he wrote about the importance of the International Conference of KAA, mentioning the participants, the importance of the topics discussed and thanked the President of the KAA Board, Professor Hasnije Ilazi and General Director Naim Gashi for organizing the conference.
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