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Published On: February 21st, 2022

The SCQ has approved the Monitoring Methodology and Post-Accreditation Procedures

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) in its 96th meeting, held on 21.02.2022, approved the Monitoring Methodology and Post-Accreditation Procedures.

After a two-year work involving all actors in higher education in Kosovo, SCQ has approved the Methodology for monitoring higher education institutions in Kosovo, thus completing the latest recommendation of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

The methodology adopted today meets Standard 2.3 of the the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) which requires quality assurance agencies to complete the accreditation cycle with post-accreditation procedures which aim to continuously improve the quality of higher education institutions.

Monitoring is a formal process carried out by the KAA through which it assesses that the higher education institution maintains and continues to meet the recommendations of external evaluators and the conditions of accreditation and implements the standards of the Accreditation Manual.

On the other hand, “Post-Accreditation procedure” is a process which is limited to verifying the conditions of accreditation and confirming the degree of fulfillment of recommendations by KAA and commitments by HEIs and not to re-evaluate the standards of the Accreditation Manual.

The approval of the Monitoring Methodology was done with the support of the QAINT Project and with funding from the ADA Agency of Austria. This document was the last recommendation that the European Commission had made to the KAA.

In today’s meeting of the SCQ, the implementation of the Dynamic Plan of this institution was discussed and it was concluded that all the foreseen activities have already been implemented within the set deadline.

In accordance with applicable law, the SCQ has reviewed all requests and complaints of higher education institutions.

In this meeting was determined the dynamics of activities for the review of new standards at the bachelor and master level.

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