
SCQ and KAA visit AQ Austria


Starting on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, members of the SCQ and staff members from the KAA are visiting the AQ Austria for a three-day visit as part of the twinning project between the two agencies. The project is funded by ADA as part of the HERAS+ Project. During the visit, best practices and experiences will be shared between the homologue agency members, and AQ Austria is also sharing much information regarding their compliance with the ESG 2015 standards and the lessons learned over the year.

SCQ and KAA visit AQ Austria2022-12-15T19:10:53+02:00

With its initiative, the KAA becomes a member of the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN)


Today, on December 5th, 2022, the KAA took part at the inaugural meeting of the Global Academic Integrity Network. The KAA was represented by Mr. Flamur Abazaj, where the network held it’s first meeting, where all intended members of the network presented themselves, and provided feedback to a variety of topics presented by the network chairs. The Global Academic Integrity Network is a consortium of education quality and integrity agencies worldwide joining forces to fight the rise of commercial academic cheating services targeting students, and it is endorsed by a variety of important international education bodies, such as, ENQA, the European [...]

With its initiative, the KAA becomes a member of the Global Academic Integrity Network (GAIN)2022-12-05T14:13:30+02:00

The State Council of Quality approved the list of international accreditation experts


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) on the meeting held on 24.11.2022, has reviewed and approved the list of international experts, who will participate in the process of accreditation of study programs next year. Eminent experts from various fields of study have been approved in this list. In this meeting SCQ analysed the activities of the Strategic Plan and instructions were given for the next year's plan of activities. The Council, in addition, was informed about the process of verification of academic program holders and about the monitoring process. In this meeting, SCQ reviewed all [...]

The State Council of Quality approved the list of international accreditation experts2022-11-25T18:22:20+02:00

The KAA presents at the bi-monthly CEENQA meeting


At the bi-monthly CEENQA meeting held on 16.11.2022, KAA Senior Officer for Monitoring and Evaluation, Flamur Abazaj, took part and presented the Kosovo Accreditation Agency and its work in 2022. At the meeting, other homologue European agencies also presented their work, and best practices and lessons learned were shared. The KAA is a full member of CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education)

The KAA presents at the bi-monthly CEENQA meeting2022-11-16T16:40:54+02:00



Dear Sir/Madame, Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) is inviting academic and student experts’ applications for expert panels. The panels conduct Institutional and program evaluation in Kosovo higher education and give recommendations on accreditation. The accreditation process will be carried out through the entire year including both the public and private HEI’s in the Republic of Kosovo. The members of the external evaluation panels, among others must meet the following criteria: –           To be professionals in the relevant evaluation field and should have experience in quality assessment and accreditation processes. –           To have PhD scientific qualifications. The PhD scientific qualification does not apply [...]

CALL FOR EXPERTS2023-11-27T11:34:56+02:00

The declaration process for 2835 academic staff members in Kosovo was successfully completed


At the meeting of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), held on 01.11.2022, it was established that last night at midnight the process of declaring 2835 academic staff in the Republic of Kosovo was successfully completed. On 31.10.2022, the application process for accreditation and re-accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programs was also completed. In accordance with the administrative instruction, the declaration of the academic staff is made from October 1st to 31st of each year via the electronic platform of the KAA called E-Accreditation. The KAA team has established that the electronic platform E-Accreditation has been fully functional, without [...]

The declaration process for 2835 academic staff members in Kosovo was successfully completed2022-11-01T14:19:38+02:00

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency expresses gratitude for the QAINT Project


The Director of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, Naim Gashi, on the occasion of the successful completion of the activities, expresses their gratitude for the QAINT Project. “The successes and achievements of the Accreditation Agency in the last three years are also attributed to the cooperation and support from the QAINT Project.”, it is stated in the appreciation certificate of the KAA, which was submitted by the senior official, Shkëlzen Gërxaliu. The QAINT project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in partnership with MESTI. This project is the main donor of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency. During the past three years [...]

The Kosovo Accreditation Agency expresses gratitude for the QAINT Project2022-10-31T10:11:58+02:00

President of ENQA handed over to the Director of KAA the decision on the new Status of the Accreditation Agency


During the proceedings of the General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), which is being held in Stockholm, Sweden, the President of ENQA, Douglas Blackstock, officially handed over to the director of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), Naim Gashi, the decision on the "affiliate" status of the KAA. The decision to grant "affiliate" status to KAA was taken by the Board of ENQA on September 20, 2022, while KAA was notified of this decision on October 3, 2022. After receiving the new status in ENQA, the opportunity has been created for KAA to participate in [...]

President of ENQA handed over to the Director of KAA the decision on the new Status of the Accreditation Agency2022-10-28T11:20:01+02:00

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) has held its 106th meeting


The State Council of Quality (SCQ) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) in its 106th meeting, held on 25.10.2022, reviewed a variety of requests submitted by Higher Education Institutions and NGOs. All institutions will be communicated regarding the decision made during the meeting as per their requests. The SCQ has also taken the decision to cancel the CHAIR Conference. The SCQ and KAA will review the information and resources collected up to this point, in hopes that the conference can be organized with a large pool of participating agencies and entities. Respectfully, Kosovo Accreditation Agency.

The State Council of Quality (SCQ) has held its 106th meeting2022-10-26T11:01:56+02:00
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