Dear Sir/Madame,
Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) is inviting academic and student experts’ applications for expert panels. The panels conduct Institutional and program evaluation in Kosovo higher education and give recommendations on accreditation.
The accreditation process will be carried out through the entire year including both the public and private HEI’s in the Republic of Kosovo.
The members of the external evaluation panels, among others must meet the following criteria:
– To be professionals in the relevant evaluation field and should have experience in quality assessment and accreditation processes.
– To have PhD scientific qualifications. The PhD scientific qualification does not apply for student evaluators whose qualifications may be BA or MA;
– To have knowledge and experience of university teaching in the relevant field, except in cases of the student evaluators;
– To have scientific research papers in a particular field;
– To have experience in management and provision of quality in HEI;
– To have work experience within an organizational and administrative structure of an institution or knowledge of managing systems;
– To have experience in the development, implementation and evaluation of curricula;
Responsibilities according to KAA Accreditation Manual include:
– To review documents submitted by HEIs prior to the site visit
– Carry out the site visit to HEIs arranged by KAA
– Draft an external review report after the site visit in compliance with KAA Standards
– Finalize the external review report and provide final recommendation for accreditation to KAA Board
The site visit to a higher education institution lasts one day and, on some occasions, it might last two days, depending on the size of the institution. The payment fee for each member of the expert panel is €1800 euro, plus 100 euro per daily expenses and accommodation. The payment fee for each student expert is €900 euro plus 100 euro for daily expenses and accommodation. The cost of travel is also covered by KAA. The final approval on the appointment of members of the expert panel is made by KAA’s State Council of Quality.
All interested experts should fill out the application which can be downloaded here and attach this file along with the CV and a list of publications to the following email
The call is actively open.
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